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All Indicators at a Glance

People   return to top

Population & Age

0.1.1 Total Population & Annual Growth Rate 0.1.2 Median Age of the Population 0.1.3 Population by Age Groups 0.1.4 Veteran Population

In The Home

0.2.1 Average Household Size 0.2.2 Single Parent Families 0.2.3 Seniors Living Alone 0.2.4 Households with Children Under 18 0.2.5 Households with Internet Connection

Migration & Immigration

0.3.1 Residual Net Migration 0.3.2 Foreign-Born Population 0.3.3 POC Population as Share of Total 0.3.4 Non-English Speaking Population

Civic Involvement

0.4.1 Registered Voters 0.4.2 Voter Participation Rates

Agriculture   return to top

Value of Production

1.1.1 Total Crop Value & Avg. Farm Value 1.1.2 Value of Top-5 Crops 1.1.3 Total Acres and Value of Tree Fruit 1.1.4 Wine Production 1.1.5 Net Farm Income 1.1.6 Value of Milk Production 1.1.7 Total Number of Dairy Cows

Land & Labor

1.2.1 Food and Beverage Manufacturing 1.2.2 Total Land in Farms

Culture, Recreation, Tourism   return to top


2.1.2 Accommodation Retail Sales 2.1.3 Total Number of Wineries

Arts & Culture

2.2.1 Art-Related Businesses 2.2.2 Library Card Holders & Circulation

Economic Vitality   return to top


3.1.1 Per Capita Personal Income 3.1.2 Median Household Income 3.1.3 Overall Average Annual Wage 3.1.4 Avg. Annual Wage in Top-5 Employing Sectors

Economic Activity

3.2.1 Annual Taxable Retail Sales 3.2.2 Quarterly Taxable Retail Sales 3.2.3 GDP per Capita 3.2.4 GDP by Major Sector 3.2.5 Total Value of Merchandise Exports 3.2.6 Cost of Living Index

Labor Force

3.3.1 Civilian Labor Force & Participation Rate 3.3.2 Total Employed & Unemployment Rate 3.3.3 Net Jobs Created 3.3.4 Employment Shares in Top-5 Sectors 3.3.5 Share of Jobs by Educational Attainment 3.3.6 Share of Workforce Self-Employed

Real Estate

3.4.1 Assessed Value of Total Taxable Property 3.4.2 Residential Building Permits 3.4.3 Quarterly Building Permits

Education   return to top

Early Education

4.1.1 Early Education Enrollment 4.1.2 Kindergartener Readiness


4.2.1 Number of FTE Students per FTE Teachers 4.2.2 English Language Learners: Total & Share 4.2.3 Public HS On-Time Graduation Rates 4.2.4 Public HS Extended Graduation Rates 4.2.5 Public HS Extended Graduation Rates ELL 4.2.6 Dropout Rate: 11th & 12th Grades 4.2.7 Dual Credit Course Enrollment 4.2.8 Student Suspension or Expulsion 4.2.9 Levy Revenue per FTE Pupil and Share of TPI

K-12 State Testing

4.3.1 State Testing - Math 4.3.2 State Testing - English Language Arts

Higher Education

4.4.1 1st Year Post High School Enrollment 4.4.2 Two-Year Degrees Awarded

Educational Attainment

4.5.1 Population with a High School Diploma 4.5.2 Population with an Associate's Degree 4.5.3 Population with a BA or Graduate Degree

Environment   return to top

Air & Water Quality

5.1.1 Overall Water Quality Index 5.1.2 Turbidity Water Quality Index 5.1.3 PM 2.5 Concentration (24hr Annual Average) 5.1.4 Air Quality Days

Public Works & Land Use

5.2.1 Municipal Solid Waste Recycled 5.2.2 Water Production & System Leakage

Equity, Inclusion   return to top

Equity & Inclusion

6.1.1 Income Distribution 6.1.2 Total Population Living in Poverty 6.1.3 Youths Living in Poverty 6.1.4 Seniors Living in Poverty 6.1.5 Children Receiving TANF Benefits 6.1.6 Food Insecurity 6.1.7 State Testing: ELL English Language Arts 6.1.8 K-12 Free/Reduced Price Lunch Program

Health   return to top

Vital Statistics

7.1.1 Life Expectancy at Birth 7.1.2 Hospitalizations by Leading Causes 7.1.3 Share of Avoidable Hospital Admissions 7.1.4 Deaths by Leading Causes 7.1.5 Disability by Age

Youth Rates

7.2.1 Overweight & Obesity 7.2.2 Teen Birth Rate 7.2.3 Youth Suicides and Attempts 7.2.4 Tobacco & E-Cig Use 7.2.5 Youth Alcohol Use 7.2.6 Youth Marijuana Use 7.2.7 Youth Hopelessness

Adult Rates

7.3.1 Adult Obesity Rate 7.3.2 Adult Diabetes Rates 7.3.3 Adult Smokers

Access to Care

7.4.1 Adults with a Personal Healthcare Provider 7.4.2 Dentists Billing Medicaid 7.4.3 Adults Visiting Dentists 7.4.4 Uninsured Population by Age Group 7.4.5 Medicaid Insured Persons 7.4.6 Prenatal Care

Funding & Resources

7.5.1 Local Govt. Expenditures on Public Health 7.5.2 Local Govt. Expenditures on Mental Health

Housing   return to top

Owner Occupied

8.1.1 Homeownership Rate 8.1.2 Homeowners With and Without a Mortgage 8.1.3 Homeownership Rates by Income 8.1.4 Homeowners Paying 30%+ of Income on Shelter 8.1.5 Share of Homes by Age of Structure

Renting Households

8.2.1 Renters Paying 30%+ of Income on Shelter 8.2.2 Renters Paying 50%+ of Income on Shelter 8.2.3 Fair Market Rent

Housing Market

8.3.1 Median Home Resale Price 8.3.2 All Homebuyers Affordability Index 8.3.3 First Time Homebuyers Affordability Index


8.4.1 One-Day Homeless Count 8.4.2 Homeless Students

Safety, Risky Behaviors   return to top

Crime & Arrest Rates

9.1.1 Overall Adult Arrest Rate 9.1.2 Property Crimes: Total & Rate 9.1.3 Violent Crimes: Total & Rate 9.1.4 Adult Drug Crime Arrest Rate 9.1.5 Alcohol Related Traffic Fatalities 9.1.6 Domestic Violence: Total & Rate 9.1.7 Child Abuse & Neglect 9.1.8 Reported Sexual Assaults: Total & Rate 9.1.9 Registered Sex Offenders: Total & Rate 9.1.10 Recidivism: 3-Year Rates 9.1.11 Fire & EMS Incidents by Type

Youth Rates

9.2.1 Overall Youth Arrests: Total & Rate 9.2.2 Youth Drug Arrests: Total & Rate 9.2.3 Youths in Gangs

Funding & Resources

9.3.1 Law Enforcement Officers: Total & Rate 9.3.2 Local Govt. Expenditures on Law Enforcement 9.3.3 Local Govt. Expenditures on Fire & EMS

Transportation   return to top

Commuting Patterns

10.1.1 Total Commuters & Average Time of Commute 10.1.2Alternative Modes of Commuter Transportation

Public Transit

10.2.1 Yakima Transit Ridership

Airport Activities

10.3.1 McAllister Airport Enplanements

Funding & Resources

10.4.1 Local Govt. Expenditures on Roads